Mutts And Motorcycles
Cheri Kolstad
Cliff Valois
Nelson Ave, Penticton
THE SHOP for Mutts and Motorcycles
Full Service on Motorcycles, ATVs, and Sleds. Engine Rebuild, Running Gear Repairs and Service, Tire Service, Electrical Diagnosis and Repair. Full Engine and Drive Train Repair. Service Parts received through Parts Canada, Motovan and Recreational Supplies. Custom Work, Pick up and Delivery Available.
Easy Alley Access by Kiwanis Park or off Government. Non Factory Warrenty Work - Extended Warrenty Work. Tuesday to Friday 9-5 Saturday 9-12 Fully Insured Inspection Shop with ICBC. Nelson Avenue Alley, Penticton BC. We are always closed for 2 weeks during the Christmas Holiday.
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